Norm Folkers Memorial

Norm Folkers 1947-2021

Norm joined the NYAA in the 1990s bringing his ATM experience to the group.  Although he did observe, it was more often to test out his latest telescope project.  He lead the telescope makers within the club for many years.  He was an ever helpful and dedicated telescope maker innovating with off the shelf parts (Black ABS pipe was a favorite).  With his connections to the local ATM community he took us to visit other DIYers – e.g. to see how to do anodizing.  He made several grinding machines and produced a much simplified one he demonstrated at Starfest in 2017.  The mirror box heaters for the 16” Dobsonian was his project when it was housed in the Eagles Nest observatory at our original observing site near Schomberg.

Norm presided over the swap meet at Starfest until 2019 and was also the head man for managing the field hydro cable network and our primary tractor driver for ferrying the cable spools and the stage framework back and forth to the storage shed.  (Norm grew up on a farm not far from Starfest and so understood tractors).

Norm was Secretary for a time and also served as president of the NYAA from 2002-2004.

Norm is survived by his wife Ingrid, daughter Michelle and son Mark.

He will be sorely missed by all who knew him.

Norm's Obit

Additional Personal Notes

  • Norm enjoyed refurbishing/repairing old computers and laptops giving them a second life.  I sought his advice many times on seemingly inscrutable problems with my machines.  Either he had seen the problem before or had sound advice on where to begin troubleshooting.
    (Rick McWatters)

ATM Presenters

  • 2022 → Jim Chung
  • 2023 → Frank Dempsey
  • 2024 → Clay Davies