Current Weather data from Oak Heights, Ontario

44° 08' 15" N 77° 58' 41" W 221 m
Station Time (UTC) 0:14 27/07/24 Upload at 4:15 27/07/24
Moon Phase Last Quarter Sunset 23:20 (UTC) Sunrise 9:09 (UTC)
Temperature 14.8°C Humidity 94% Cloud Cover %
Sky-Ground Temperature Delta
°C Dewpoint
13.9°C Dew Level %
WSW at 0.0 km/hr 10 Minute Wind Avg. 0.0 km/hr Barometer 746.6 mm & Steady
Precipitation Status Today's Rain 0.0 mm Rain Rate 0.0 mm/hr
WetBulb Temperature °C Daily Snow Accumulation mm
Storm Total 0.0 mm Monthly Rain 70.6 mm Yearly Rain 506.2 mm
Wind Chill 14.8 °C THW Index 15.0 °C Heat Index 15.0 °C
UV 0.0 index Solar Radiation 0 W/m² Sky Glow %
Computer AC Status Computer Temperature --- °C Door Status
Observatory Temperature 20.9°C Observatory Humidity 71% Inside Dew Point 15.4°C
SQM - LE - Readings
Aurora Eurotech Cloud Sensor
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
5 Day Forecast - Environment Canada 48 Hour Cloud Cover Clear Sky Clock Weather Forecast for Astronomy - Environment Canada
Today's Highs/Lows
High Temperature
15.0 °C at 0:00
Low Temperature
14.8 °C at 0:10
High Humidity 94 % at 0:02 Low Humidity 93 % at 0:00
High Dewpoint 13.9 °C at 0:00 Low Dewpoint 13.9 °C at 0:00
High Barometer 746.6 mm at 0:12 Low Barometer 746.5 mm at 0:00
High Rain Rate 0.0 mm/hr at ---- Low Wind Chill 15.0 °C at 0:00
High Heat Index 15.0 °C at 0:00 High UV 0.0 index at ---- High Solar Radiation 0 W/m² at ----
Current Month Weather Summary Previous Month Weather Summary Current Year Weather Summary
48 Hour Clear Sky Forecast - Dark Blue Indicates Predicted Clear Sky
Infrared Satellite Image
Infrared Satellite Image
Visual Satellite Image
Visible Satellite Image
Jet Stream
Jet Stream
Current Outside Temperature Current Outside Humidity Current Outside Dewpoint Current Wind Chill Current THW Index
Current UV Index Current Solar Radiation   Current Wind Direction
Current Wind Speed Wind Speed History
Current Barometer Barometer History
Today's Rain Current Rain Rate Storm Rain Monthly Rain Total Yearly Rain Total

Test Oculus Image Thumbnail - Click to Enlarge
Oculus All Sky Camera placeholder

Southern Ontario Meteor Network -
Oak Heights Station 12A. Click to Enlarge
SOMN Site 12A
An arrow (if present) points North. East is counter-clockwise from North.
NYAA All Sky Camera V2 recent daytime image.
AllSky Camera

All weather station materials ©1997-2006 ROBOsky